Critical Thinking in Science: The Erasmus+ Project “Teaching Critical Thinking in Science through Nanolearning and Virtual Exchange Principles—NANO-THINK”
Citation Information :
Crnko T, Pavelić SK. Critical Thinking in Science: The Erasmus+ Project “Teaching Critical Thinking in Science through Nanolearning and Virtual Exchange Principles—NANO-THINK”. 2024; 3 (3--4):98-104.
This paper aims to introduce the project NANO-THINK, “Teaching Critical Thinking in Science through Nanolearning and Virtual Exchange Principles,” cofinanced by the European Union under the Erasmus+ program. This project started in February 2024 and is implemented by eight institutions from five countries. Its main goal is the development and implementation of a virtual exchange program on critical thinking using principles of nanolearning. In this sense, this paper aims to briefly introduce the concept of critical thinking as a goal of education, and nanolearning and virtual exchange as tools and approaches that will be utilized to implement the developed program.
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