VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 3--4 ( July-December, 2024 ) > List of Articles
Edo Korljan
Keywords : Freedom, Neutrality, Religion, Religious symbols, Secularism
Citation Information : Korljan E. Main Concepts of the Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion in the Jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court. 2024; 3 (3--4):84-89.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-11005-0079
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 17-07-2024
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).
The right to freedom of religion is a fundamental human right enshrined in many international documents. The European Court has amassed extensive jurisprudence, providing convention signatory states considerable latitude in assessing the justification and proportionality of encroachments on religious rights. The European Court asserts that states have considerable discretion in meeting their obligations in respect of the right to freedom of religion. However, this must be done while ensuring the comprehensive realization of religious freedoms while concurrently respecting the rights and liberties of others.