This paper, titled ”The Challenges and Outcomes of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Diplomacy in the Period 1992–1995,” begins with a historiographical introduction discussing the statehood of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the conceptualization of diplomacy. The aim is to present the distinct features of Bosnia and Herzegovina's diplomacy during the wartime period (1992–1995). By highlighting the priorities of diplomatic efforts during this period—establishing relations with sovereign states, mobilizing the international community, and disseminating authentic information—it is evident that, despite adverse conditions, Bosnia and Herzegovina's diplomacy achieved its planned objectives. These efforts had a positive impact on the affirmation of Bosnia and Herzegovina's statehood. The concluding section evaluates the relationships with key international partners during this challenging period. This topic interweaves personal, professional, and academic efforts to better understand this 4-year period, which, from a historical perspective, remains highly challenging and controversial in the interpretations of some authors and perceptions of certain protagonists from that time.
We refer to the following titles: Begić, Kasim: *BiH from the Vance Mission to the Dayton Agreement (1991–1996)*, ”Bosanska knjiga,” Sarajevo, 1997; Čekić, Smail: *Aggression on BiH, vol. 1*, Institute for Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law, Sarajevo, 2004; Šehić, Zijad: *Experiment in the World's Laboratory Bosnia – International Diplomacy at the Time of the Dissolution of the SFRY and Aggression on RBiH (up to the Washington Agreement 1994)*, ”Dobra knjiga,” Sarajevo, 2013; Šadinlija, Mesud: *Between Justice and Realpolitik – The Relationship of Peace Plans and Military Operations in BiH 1992–1995*, Institute for Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 2018.
Arifhodžić, Nerkez. The Diplomacy of Bosnia and Herzegovina from Independence to Dayton. Bosniak Institute, Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation, 2022.
For consultation on the topic: Babić, Anto: From the History of Medieval Bosnia, ”Svjetlost,” Sarajevo, 1972; Zgodić, Esad: State and Law of Medieval Bosnia, The Bosnian Medieval State and Modernity (Proceedings from the Scientific Conference on ”The Medieval Bosnian State and Modernity,” held on 1-2 June 1996 in Zenica), Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 1996.
In contrast to nationalist approaches to the study of the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a major project has been accomplished in contemporary BiH: a historiographical synthesis of the country in the six-volume History of Bosnia and Herzegovina, published by the Institute of History at the University of Sarajevo and edited by Prof. Dr. Sedad Bešlija (Sarajevo, 2023). It has rightly been characterized as a ”reintegrative Bosnian-Herzegovinian project.”
David Đ. Dašić, History of Diplomacy, Altera, Belgrade, 2012.
Nicolson Harold The Evolution of Diplomacy, Collier Books, New York, 1962.
From a memoir perspective, the development and contradictions of Bosnian-Herzegovinian diplomacy are presented in the book by Nerkez Arifhodžić, A Cry of the Agnostic to the Almighty: Memories of a Bosnian Doyen, 1991–2001, Gariwo, Sarajevo, 2019.
They were Haris Silajdžić (1992–1994), Irfan Ljubijankić (1994–1995), and Muhamed Šačirbegović (1995–1996).
Ivo Goldstein wrote critically about the role of Croatia in the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in his book History of Croatia 1945–2011, Europapress Holding, Zagreb, 2010.
Aditional literature, Bećirović, Denis. Teritorijalni ekspanzionizam Srbije prema Bosni i Hercegovini (Territorial Expansionism of Serbia Towards Bosnia and Herzegovina). Institute for the Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 2021; Biserko, Sonja. BiH – jezgro velikosrpskog projekta (Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Core of the Greater Serbian Project). Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Svedočanstva Library, Belgrade, 2006; Bougarel, Xavier. Bosna, anatomija rata (drugo dopunjeno izdanje) (Bosnia: The Anatomy of War (2nd ed.). University Press, Sarajevo, 2018; Jakovina, Tvrtko. Budimir Lončar: od Prijeka do vrha svijeta (Budimir Lončar: From Prijek to the Top of the World). Faktura, Zagreb, 2020. Kissinger, Henry. Diplomatie. Fayard, Paris, 1996; Komšić, Ivo. Preživljena zemlja (A Survived State). Prometheus, Zagreb, 2006; Kožljak, Alija. Odgovornost međunarodne zajednice za rat i mir u BiH (Responsibility of the International Community for War and Peace in BiH. Selfpublished, Sarajevo, 2020.