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VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 1--2 ( January-June, 2024 ) > List of Articles


Europe–Africa: Prolegomena for the Concept of a Scientific–Educational/Cultural–Diplomatic Center, Research Project, and/or Doctoral Study

Emilio Marin

Keywords : Archaeology, Croatia, Europe, Mediterranean, North Africa, Religion

Citation Information : Marin E. Europe–Africa: Prolegomena for the Concept of a Scientific–Educational/Cultural–Diplomatic Center, Research Project, and/or Doctoral Study. 2024; 3 (1--2):59-61.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-11005-0067

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 27-03-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).


In the world, after the events symbolized by the fall of the Berlin Wall, the division and tension between East and West seemed not to prevail; however, the relationship and the problem of North and South were present. This translates, in other words, often means between rich and poor. All wisdom is how to resolve this relationship, both globally and nationally. At this moment of aggression against Ukraine, it may seem that the East–West relationship is crucial; however, if humanity overcomes this threat, I am confident that for the world, and especially for Europe, it will again be crucial for the North–South relationship. For this, in my opinion, we should begin to prepare as early as today. After all, we are witnessing increased diplomatic and political activity in Africa these days, both from Russia and from the West, especially France.

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  1. E. Marin, Povijesne odrednice Sredozemlja i suvremeni život (Historical Determinants of the Mediterranean and Europe and Modern Life), Suvremeni život i srce (Modern life and heart), ed. D. Mirić, D. Vlahović, Split 2001, 137–142.
  2. Cf. E. Marin, Un punto di vista sull'Europa e il Mediterraneo (A point of view on Europe and the Mediterranean), Salesianum 76, Roma 2014, 567–578; id., L'Empire romaine d'Auguste à la fin de l'Empire d'Occident (The Roman Empire of Augustus at the end of the Western Empire), Histoire de la conscience européenne (History of European consciousness), dir. Antoine Arjakovsky, Collège des Bernardins – Salvator, Paris 2016, 99–116; id., Historia magistra archaeologiae, Split-Dubrovnik 2003, passim.
  3. Govor Veleposlanika Republike Hrvatske pri Svetoj Stolici u prigodi predaje vjerodajnica Ivanu Pavlu II. 11. XII. 2004. (Speech by the Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the Holy See on the occasion of presenting his credentials to John Paul II on 11 XII 2004), L'Osservatore Romano, Rome, 12.12.2004., 5. Translation from Croatian into Italian of the Ambassador's speech, loc. Cit. Cf. E. Marin, Upoznao sam dva pape – Pripovijest o čuvstvu i promišljanju na tragu Ivana Pavla II. i Benedikta XVI. (I met two popes—the narrative of emotion and reflection in the footsteps of John Paul II and Benedict XVI), Zagreb-Split, 2009, 28–31.
  4. E. Marin, Europe et Méditerranée (Europe and the Mediterranean), Le Monde, Paris, 24.10.2007, 27; id., Le curé de campagne et le prix Nobel face à l'histoire ou l'enjeu de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée (The country priest and the Nobel Prize winner facing the history or the stakes of Europe and the Mediterranean), Séance solennelle de Rentrée des Cinq académies, présidé par Mme Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, Président de l'Institut de France et Secrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie française (Solemn sitting of the Return of the Five Academies, chaired by Mrs Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, President of the Institut de France and Perpetual Secretary of the Académie française), Paris 2007, 37–41; id., Le curé de campagne et le prix Nobel face à l'histoire ou l'enjeu de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée (The country priest and the Nobel Prize winner facing the history or the stakes of Europe and the Mediterranean), Les académies en Europe au XXIe siècle – Rencontre des académies européennes 21–23 octobre 2007 – Actes (Academies in Europe in xxi century – Meeting of the European Academies 21–23 October 2007 – Proceedings), Paris 2008, 154–159; id., Identités nationales et universalité de l'esprit – Le curé de campagne et le prix Nobel face à l'histoire ou l'enjeu de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée (National identities and the universality of the spirit - The country priest and the Nobel Prize in the face of the history or challenge of Europe and the Mediterranean), Croatica Christiana Periodica 60, Zagreb 2007, 125–129; id., Ho conosciuto due papi – Racconto di un'emozione e di un ragionamento sulle orme di Giovanni Paolo II e di Benedetto XVI (I met two popes—the narrative of emotion and reflection in the footsteps of John Paul II and Benedict XVI), Lateran University Press, Città del Vaticano, 67–74; id., Upoznao sam dva pape – Pripovijest o čuvstvu i promišljanju natragu Ivana Pavla II. iBenedikta XVI., Zagreb – Split 2009, 71–80; id., Poznałem dwóch Papieży – Ślady Jana Pawła II i Benedykta XVI w moim życiu, Wydawnictwo śwStanisława BM, Cracovia 2011, 79–87; id., Govor « Pod kupolom Akademije » / Discours sous la Coupole, Mediteran kao prostor spajanja i sučeljavanja civilizacija (The Mediterranean as a space for the merging and confrontation of civilizations), éd. Y. Vrhovac, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb 2017, 15–30.
  5. E. Marin, Hrvatska prošlost i budućnost: europska i mediteranska (Croatia's past and future: European and Mediterranean), Glasnik Hrvatskog diplomatskog kluba (Messenger of the Croatian Diplomatic Club), XIV, No. 2, Zagreb, April 20, 2016, 1–14. Cf. id., Hrvatska prošlost i budućnost: europska i mediteranska, Duško Kečkemet and Brač, Brački zbornik 24, ed. J. Vrandečić, Split-Supetar 2018, 343–363.
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