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VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 3--4 ( July-December, 2023 ) > List of Articles


Ethics and Ecology

Ivan Koprek, Mikolaj Martinjak

Keywords : Determinism, Ecology, Ethics, Human activity, Human freedom, Moderate biocentrism, Nature, Philosophy

Citation Information : Koprek I, Martinjak M. Ethics and Ecology. 2023; 2 (3--4):154-160.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-11005-0058

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 28-12-2023

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2023; The Author(s).


Ethics as a “practical philosophy” should judge not only human actions toward their “neighbors” but also toward the wholeness of all living beings and the entirety of the world (cosmos)—nature—whose regeneration abilities are limited. As an important interlocutor in the scientific and social debate on ecology, philosophy (especially ethics) should clarify and reconcile the tensions between natural determinism and human freedom that shape collective (economic and political) life. In that sense, this article advocates moderate biocentrism, which emphasizes that all living and nonliving organisms (including nature) are, in an analogous sense, objective goals or goals in themselves. As means–ends in themselves, they are never the exclusive means for man's subjective goals. Therefore, the idea of moral order in the realm of goals is not and must not be limited only to man but should also include nature—if not as a subject, then certainly as an object of the moral order.

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