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VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 1--2 ( January-June, 2023 ) > List of Articles


Traps of Transhumanism and Posthumanism—From Human Being to Nonhuman Being: Affirmation or Negation of Humanity?

Stipe Kutleša

Keywords : Humanism, Human being, Ideology, Nonhuman being, Posthumanism, Science, Technology, Transhumanism

Citation Information : Kutleša S. Traps of Transhumanism and Posthumanism—From Human Being to Nonhuman Being: Affirmation or Negation of Humanity?. 2023; 2 (1--2):45-55.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-11005-0044

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 29-09-2023

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2023; The Author(s).


The paper discusses the very closed movements of transhumanism, posthumanism, and their vision of man and society. After indicating the origins of these movements in their criticism and deviation from humanism, the usual and up-to-now-established definitions of transhumanism and posthumanism and their basic characteristics are discussed. Both movements emphasize the importance of science and technology in human life as a means of managing nature and human life. It is precisely science and technology that is one of the main levers of these movements, which are actually interested in the exclusive exploitation of nature through the application of science and technology. At the center of these movements is the so-called transhuman and posthuman being who is no longer human but a transhumanoid and/or posthumanoid who has no individuality, personality, or freedom. Some criticisms of those movements are also expressed. The author of this article believes that these movements are the greatest evil that has happened to humanity on a global scale so far. He also proposes a completely different definition of transhumanism and posthumanism with an explanation.

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